Inbasi, Mehmet2018-05-312018-05-312018Inbasi Mehmet. About the Session of Ferhat Turanly's Professorship / Mehmet Inbasi // Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal. - 2018. - Vol. 18. - S.: 1‐6.2149-1348 of Turanly’s dissertation:The Cossack period in Ukraine’s History in Ottoman Turkish Written Sources (the second half of the 16th – the first quarter of the 18thcentury), Kyiv – Mohyla Academy 2016, 606p.encossacksUkrainian historyOttoman-Turkish sourcesFerhat TuranlyreviewAbout the Session of Ferhat Turanly's ProfessorshipПро наукове засідання стосовно дисертації Фергада Туранли на здобуття наукового звання професора (ступеня доктора історичних наук)Article