Ярун, Галина2016-08-232016-08-232016Ярун Галина Михайлівна. Породжувальні явища у структурах змісту українського пити і праслов’янського piti / Ярун Г. М. // Магістеріум. - 2016. - Вип. 62 : Мовознавчі студії. - С. 100-102.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9332The article examines the features of the modern Ukrainian language meaning unit ‘пити’ and its Proto- Slavic equivalent *piti, establishes the relationship between the constituents of their meanings. The generative phenomena are studied in retrospection and in prospects as a semantic basis of their historical development. Lexicographically conditioned interpretation of the meaning of ‘пити’ in the thesaurus dictionary defines the essence of its structure and the place in the semantic system of the modern Ukrainian literary language, yet it does not specify the source of its semantic formation. This stipulates our addressing etymological dictionaries, including the etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language. The study is grounded on the assumption that in the lexicographically conditioned interpretation in the etymological dictionary, between the meaning of the modern Ukrainian language unit ‘пити’, to drink, “to consume liquid; [peck out of the corn ears O]” and the meaning of its ancient Proto-Slavic equivalent *piti, drink, there is a historical connection’ therefore, the modern and old meanings have a common origin. Thus our goal is not only to describe the relationships between the contemporary Ukrainian and Old Slavonic meanings but also to determine their specific structures and detect semantic grounds which underlie them. In solving the problems that arise from the relationship of the historically remote meanings of Ukrainian constituents of the meaning of ‘пити’ and Proto-Slavic *piti, it is important for us to primarily consider theoretical and practical achievements of comparative and historical linguistics, modern and historical lexicology, and lexicography. Due to the fact that the linguistic reconstruction technique is based on semantic modelling of retrospective phenomena, in the Old Slavonic we see the ancient equivalent of the modern Ukrainian meaning of ‘пити’. This means that the etymological dictionary not only defines semantic boundaries of the retrospective events that influence the rise of the modern meaning, but also determines the semantic threshold which begins the history of the Ukrainian meaning. In the retrospective relationships of the ancient and modern meanings (“consume liquid; [peck out of corn ears O]” → ‘пити’) one can trace the meaning of ‘пити’ which belongs to the Indo-European protolanguage system and thus determines the prospective development of the studied meaning. Thus in the meaning of ‘пити’ of Indo-European *poi-/ pi-/ po-/ pei- we see the semantic foundation that directs the generative phenomena in the constituents of the meanings of Ukrainian ‘пити’ and Proto-Slavic *piti.У статті досліджено особливості змісту сучасної української мовної одиниці пити та її праслов’янського відповідника *piti, встановлено взаємовідношення між структурами їхнього змісту. У ретроспекції та проспекції простежуються породжувальні явища як семантична підстава їхнього історичного розвитку.ukмовна одиницяструктура змістуретроспекціяпроспекціясемантична підставапороджувальні явищаПороджувальні явища у структурах змісту українського пити і праслов’янського pitiGenerative phenomena in the structures of the meaning of Ukrainian ‘пити ’ and proto-slavic *pitiArticle