Сущенко, Володимир2013-11-052013-11-052008Сущенко В.М. Судово-правова реформа в Україні: стан, проблеми і перспективи / Сущенко В. М. // Українське право. - 2008. - № 1(21). - С. 166-171https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2590The article deals with the problems of the state and its legal-court reforms the Concept of which urn approved by Supreme Soviet of Ukraine 15 years ago, at the end of the last century, and has being implemented till present day. The author states that the achievement of some positive results has been neglected and the realization of Concept is slow, inconsistent and unsystematic. The author concludes that the legal system of Ukraine and its basis, the judicial branch of power, remains outsize, mostly nontransparent and inaccessible to everyone, full of bureaucratism and corruption.ukсудово-правові реформи в УкраїніСудово-правова реформа в Україні: стан, проблеми і перспективиArticle