Fedoriv, YaroslavaShuhai, AllaPirozhenko, Iryna2024-09-182024-09-182023Fedoriv Ya. Decoding Resilience: A Linguistic Exploration of Motivational Constructs in Survey Responses / Yaroslava Fedoriv, Alla Shuhai, Iryna Pirozhenko // Philological and Pedagogical Studies : Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Philological and Pedagogical Studies in 21stCentury National and International Science" / editor-in-chief S. Petrenko ; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. - Kyiv : AVIAZ, 2023. - P. 108-112.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31601The study of motivation-related language is crucial due to its role as a tool for expression and influence, shaping communicants' motivations, choices, and outcomes. This paper explores the connection between language, motivation, and resilience, focusing on defining the notion of resilience based on a survey consisting of resilience-related questions and involving university student respondents. The proposal investigates how linguistic cues in survey responses contribute to defining resilience, identifies key motivation-related language patterns, and explores variations in linguistic cues across different academic subgroups, with the goal of enhancing our understanding of language's role in defining resilience for practical implications in research and pedagogical interventions.enmotivationresiliencelinguistic cuesNational University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academylanguageconference materialsDecoding Resilience: A Linguistic Exploration of Motivational Constructs in Survey ResponsesConference materials