Matukova, HannaKhrapkina, ValentynaMatukova-Yaryha, DariaMaksimova, AllaBahashova, Natalia2021-08-232021-08-232020Innovative Forms of Management for Companies Under Rehabilitation [electronic resourse] / Hanna Matukova, Valentyna Khrapkina, Daria Matukova-Yaryha, Alla Maksimova, Natalia Bahashova // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. - 2020. - Vol. 129. - P. 103-109. article deals with problems of anti-crisis management of enterprises and ways of settling the problem of transforming crises and re-establishing solvency of bankrupt enterprises and creating the system of rehabilitation during crises. The authors substantiated a complex of effective managerial, economic and communication measures, determined methodological approaches to the formation of a system of rehabilitation and transformation of an enterprise into a profitable one.encrisesanti-crisis managementrehabilitation systemоutsourcingoutstaffingarticleInnovative Forms of Management for Companies Under RehabilitationArticle