Пустовалов, Сергій2020-08-132020-08-132019Пустовалов С. Ж. Некоторые данные о развитии медицины в ямно-катакомбном обществе Северного Причерноморья / Сергій Ж. Пустовалов // Vir Bimaris : od kujawskiego matecznika do stepów nadczarnomorskich : studia z dziejów międzymorza bałtycko-pontyjskiego ofiarowane Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Kośko / pod red. Marzeny Szmyt [et al.] ; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. - Poznań : [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu], 2019. - S. 775-784.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17793В статье рассматриваются предметы из захоронений раннего бронзового века на территории украинских степей, свидетельствующие о хороших медицинских навыках древних поселений.The article discusses objects from Early Bronze graves on the Ukrainian steppe, attesting to the good medical skills of ancient societies. They include narrow-blade knives with a rounded tip, often broken off and others with a curved tip. These types find analogies in the surgical instruments of ancient Egypt. In the opinion of practicing surgeons the knives were used in ophthalmology. Surgical procedures could not be performed without anaesthetics such as narcotic plants: ephedrine, poppy, cannabis, datura and others, growing north of the Black Sea. To obtain the juice of these plants, presses were used, which consisted of vessels (bowls) into which smoothed stones were placed. Next, plants were placed on them and the juice was extracted using a hammerstone (pestle). Surgical procedures must have been successful since trepanned skulls were found bearing traces of complete or partial healing.ruБронзовый векСеверное Причерноморьяхирургические инструментыпестстатьяearly bronzethe Northern Black Sea regionsurgical instrumentspressing pressНекоторые данные о развитии медицины в ямно-катакомбном обществе Северного ПричерноморьяArticle