Bazhan, OlehMykhailutsa, Mykola2024-07-012024-07-012023Bazhan O. The "Romanian Operation" of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR in Odesa Oblast in 1937-1938: Technology, Target Groups, Scope / Oleh Bazhan, Mykola Mykhailutsa // Analele Universităţii "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi. Seria 19. Istorie. - 2023. - T. 22. - P. 155-169. article examines the repressive campaign of the Great Terror period in Odesa Oblast of the Ukrainian SSR that went down in history under the name of the "Romanian operation" of the NKVD. Based on the documents from the Branch State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine, the features and intensity of the terrorist actions in the south of Ukraine are highlighted, the technology of "extraction" of the non-national element from the Soviet society, and the nature of the accusations against citizens of foreign origin are analyzed.en"Romanian operation"NKVDStalin’s totalitarian regimeOdesa OblastarticleThe "Romanian Operation" of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR in Odesa Oblast in 1937-1938: Technology, Target Groups, ScopeArticle