Zadyraka, K.2015-10-232015-10-232015Задирака, Костянтин Іванович. Анонімність як фактор культури віртуального простору / Задирака К. І. // Магістеріум. - 2015. - Вип. 59 : Культурологія. - С. 12-16. article examines anonymity as a theoretical concept and practical factor of culture and identity in situations of virtual communication. Development of digital technologies and Internet opened broad possibilities for anonymous communication, Those possibilities are analyzed both in the context of the very nature of digital information transferring, as well as depending on the specifics of the various virtual platforms. The effects of anonymity cause broad range of phenomena in the culture of virtual communities. The article also briefly outlines possible approaches for analyses of those phenomena on the example of anonymous forums culture.enanonymityanonymous forumssocial networksInternet,informational societymass cultureAnonymity as a factor in the culture of virtual spaceArticle