Russu, IrynaBilko, Nadiia2023-10-132023-10-132022Russu I. Z. Assessment of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells of Mice Bone Marrow Under Ionizing Radiation Influence in Cell Culture in Vitro/ Russu Iryna, Bilko Nadiia // Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia / University of Latvia. - Riga, 2022. - P. 191.1648-9233 aim of the current study was the assessment of functional activity of mesenchymal progenitor cells of mice bone marrow under ionizing radiation influence in cell culture in vitro.enmesenchymal cellsmice bone marrowcell culture in vitrohematopoietic systemconference abstractsAssessment of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells of Mice Bone Marrow Under Ionizing Radiation Influence in Cell Culture in VitroConference materials