Беліменко, А.2017-07-222017-07-222017Беліменко А. О. Сировинні бази бронзових виробів могильника салтівської культури Суха Гомільша / Беліменко А. О. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 77-84. researches focus on the steel industry of Saltivska culture. However, the material culture is widely represented by the nonferrous metal products. Therefore, there is a necessity to define places of mining the nonferrous metals. The aim of this article is to determine the raw bases for nonferrous products from Sukha Homilsha burial. The result was obtained by quantitative spectral analysis. This method revealed the sources of raw materials for 44 tests. Also for expanding the range of sources and analogies, materials of Scythian period were examined. In these periods, major copper deposits were the following: Carpathian-Transylvanian (CT), Right Bank (RB), Left Bank (LB), Volga-Kama (VK), Volga-Ural (VU), cupreous sandstones of Donetsk region, North Caucasus (NC), and the cities of the Northern coast of the Black Sea (NBS). In order to determine the origin of the metal, correlation of micro traces concentrations was examined. As micro traces, arsenic, antimony, nickel, cobalt, bismuth, and silver were considered. These six elements in certain limits allow us to identify the resource field. It was possible to establish the concentration of micro traces for only six raw material bases. The rest of them remains uncertain. It should be noticed that the North Caucasus and the Volga-Kama copper sources predominate. There is less raw material from the Volga-Ural, Carpathian-Transylvanian, and the Northern Black Sea coast regions. This variety of raw material bases may indicate multiculturalism of population or show the vectors of contacts. Predominance of sources from North Caucasus confirms the presence of the Hungarian tribes. A large proportion of the Volga-Kama materials give us an evidence of close ties with the inhabitants of these regions. Results of the study show that bronze casting production is a perspective subject for the study of the material culture of the Early Middle Ages. Methodology of determination of the source base needs to be supplemented. There is also a necessity to develop an algorithm for determining recycled products.У статті здійснено спробу встановлення сировинних баз бронзових виробів салтівської культури на підставі даних кількісного спектрального аналізу, проведеного Л. П. Грубник-Буйновою та А. В. Дмітренко, за матеріалами Сухогомільшанського могильника. За допомогою розробленої автором методики виділено шість сировинних баз.ukсировинна базаспектральний аналізбронзові виробимогильниксалтівська культураspectral analysis of raw materialsbronze wareburialSaltivska cultureСировинні бази бронзових виробів могильника салтівської культури Суха ГомільшаRaw material bases of bronze products from Ssltivska culture of Sukha Homilsha burial groundArticle