Blyzniuk, Kateryna2018-06-062018-06-062017Blyzniuk K. Verbal representation of the concept of enthusiasm in the lexical-semantic fields of patriotism / K. R. Blyzniuk // Filologia, Socjologia i Kulturoznawstwo. European Scientific Conference. Theory. Practice : Zbiór Artykułów Naukowych, Konferencji Międzynarodowej Naukowo-Praktycznej (30.07.2017-31.07.2017). - Warszawa : Diamond trading tour, 2017. - S. 20-24. article deals with the semantic microfield "podniecenie" as a structural part of the lexical-semantic field of "patriotyzm" in modern Polish language. The main lexical and semantic components of the field were found with the use of componential analysis. The study shows the wider semantics of the concept of enthusiasm comparing with the semantics of the central element of the field "podniecenie". In addition it finds the connections with microfields "oddanie", "odwaga", "sympatia", "chęć" and "miłość".enlexical-semantic fieldsemantic microfieldlexemesemesemantic relationcoreperipherylinguistic picture of the worldconference materialsVerbal representation of the concept of enthusiasm in the lexical-semantic fields of patriotismConference materials