Борисова, ТетянаБорисов, А.Борисов, Д.2017-07-222017-07-222017Борисова Тетяна Анатоліївна. Сікорський Анатолій Олексійович - дослідник археологічних пам’яток Повисуння / Борисова Т. А., Борисов А. В., Борисов Д. В. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 67 : Археологічні студії. - С. 111-115.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11828The article is dedicated to Anatoliy Sikorskyi, a historian, a teacher, an enthusiast, who made a major contribution to archaeological investigation of Kherson and Mykolayiv regions and, in particular, the Vysun river basin. The Vysun river region had been little studied in archaeology till the 1960s. Anatoliy Sikorskyi not only discovered sites, but he also provided a detailed description of their location; collected a large number of pottery fragments and various flint, stone, and bronze tools; pottery, bones, and jewellery. Based on works published by prominent archaeologists, the researcher did cultural attribution and possible dating of discovered sites in the valleys of Inhulets and Vysun. He lead an archaeological survey on the territory of Kazankiv, Bereznehuvate, and Snihurivsk districts of Mykolayiv region around the villages of Maryanivka, Lahodivka, Rohozyne, Volodymyrivka, Serhiivka, Fedorivka, Vitrove, Kaluha, Bereznehuvate, Vysunsk, Pryshyb, Lubomyrivka, and in the Vysun valley. Anatoliy Sikorskyi was actively co-working with archaeologists from Mykolaiv regional museum. The expedition, which was organized by Mykolayiv branch of Odessa Archaeological Society and the Mykolayiv regional museum, investigated archaeological sites in the Vysun valley (along the route Volodymyrivka– Serhiivka–Vitrove–Kaluha) in August of 1964. The team consisted of six researchers, and A. Sikorskyi was also involved. Archaeological materials which were discovered from 1960 to 1983, are stored in regional museums in Volodymyrivka, Bereznehuvate, and Mykolayiv. A. Sikorskyi found 164 archaeological sites, including 64 settlements, 48 of which were dated to Bronze Age. Based on these materials, Anatoliy Sikorskyi identified a group of settlements which are dated to Catacomb culture and Babyne culture of Bronze Age. There was Northern Black Sea metalworking centre in the Late Bronze Age, due to finds of casting matrices and bronze tools. Anatoliy Sikorskyi devoted considerable attention to fixing and recording of the mounds in the Vysun valley. He registered 137 mounds which were located on the river watershed at the high indigenous banks.Статтю присвячено досліднику Повисуння А. О. Сікорському, історику, вчителю-ентузіасту з Миколаївщини, який зробив значний внесок в археологію Херсонщини та Миколаївщини, дослідивши басейн річки Висунь, виявив та описав низку поселень трипілля, доби бронзи, черняхівської культури.ukдоба бронзиархеологічні пам’яткипоселенняПовисунняСікорський Анатолій ОлексійовичBronze Agearchaeological sitessettlementthe Vysun river regionAnatoliy SikorskyiСікорський Анатолій Олексійович - дослідник археологічних пам’яток ПовисунняAnatoliy Sikorskyi: a researcher of archaeological sites in the Vysun river regionArticle