Ignatiеva, IrynaSerbenivska, Alina2020-08-182020-08-182019Ignatiеva I. Features of Staff Motivation in EU Countries [electronic resource] / Iryna Ignatiеva, Alina Serbenivska // Modern Science — Moderní věda. - 2019. - № 2. - P. 21-29.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17819The article is dedicated to researches of changes features which requires motivational strategies in business. Researches of the N.How’s and V.Straus’ theory, about changes of system of values in different generations, allows us to put forward a thesis about necessity of searching for new stimulus for new generations. Researches are based on studying social strategies in EU countries. There are was carried out an analysis of practical experience in personnel recruitment and specifics of young people employment. There are fixed a situation when people who work in companies not more than 6 months because aren’t ready to confront with real business problems, on the other hand – entrepreneur-businessmen can’t provide profitability of their companies because they are lacking of motivated staff. In fact, the majority of business representatives says that formula "vacancy=experience + competencies" is not working anymore and participants of business-space are forced to search new resultative ways of staff management. Carried out research was based on usage of: comprehensive and generalization methods – for specification and formulating of personnel motivation concept; abstraction of abstractly-logical methods – to establish the components of influence on personnel motivation, correlative-regressive analysis – to determine the tightness and direction of the relationship between factors.enPersonnel motivationstimulusvaluesemploymentmotivational strategyarticleFeatures of Staff Motivation in EU CountriesArticle