Pidkuimukha, Liudmyla2017-06-222017-06-222016Pidkuimukha Liudmyla. Marriage Announcements in Lviv during the Interwar Period: Ethnic and Gender Aspects / Liudmyla Pidkuimukha // Władza Sądzenia. - 2016. - Nr. 8. - P. 159-169. artykule przedstawiono anonse matrymonialne obecne w czasopismach lwowskich w okresie miqdzywojennym. Autorka przeana- lizowata mqskie і damskie ogtoszenia, a takze opisata ich specyfikq. Ponadto, na ich podsta- wie zidentyfikowata pozqdane cechy, jakimi mieli charakteryzowac siq przyszta zona bqdz tez przyszty mqz.The article dwells upon the marriage announcements in the Lviv periodicals during the interwar period. The author has analyzed men's and women's ads and has described the peculiarities of them. The author has defined the main character traits which the future wife or husband should have.enmarriageannouncementsgendernationalityethnicitycharacterappearanceogtoszenia matrymonialnenarodowoscetnicznosccharakterarticleMarriage Announcements in Lviv during the Interwar Period: Ethnic and Gender AspectsLwowskie ogtoszenia matrymonialne w okresie miqdzywojennym. Aspekty etniczne / picioweArticle