Myskiv, GalуnaKuchma, MariiaGoncharenko, MykhailoKuzheliev, MykhailoPryimuk, Vladyslav2023-05-052023-05-052023Integrated Assessment of Ukraine Monetary Security Level / Galуna Myskiv, Mariia Kuchma, Mykhailo Goncharenko, Mykhailo Kuzheliev, Vladyslav Pryimuk // Review of Economics and Finance. - 2023. - Vol. 21, No. 1. - P. 259-266.1923-84011923-7529 the article, the authors made an integrated assessment of monetary security level by calculating the im-pact of the monetary system set of indicators and Ukraine’s monetary policy. To build an integrated indicator for as-sessing the level of monetary security, the authors identified 14 main monetary indicators which were divided into stimulants and where stimulants. For each indicator, the authors calculated the level of impact on monetary security. To calculate the integrated level of monetary security assessment, the authors used two methods: with the establish-ment of weights for each of the output indicators and without it. In this case, the possible values of the integrated in-dicator of monetary security Wi belong to the segment [0; 1], and its unit and zero values correspond to the best and worst value of the monetary security indicator. With the dignity of the two approaches, calculated indicators of mon-etary security of Ukraine reached the minimum value in 2015. A similar trend was also characterized regarding to monetary security highest level, observed in 2013. At the beginning of 2020, the level of monetary security was set at 0.558 (0.531). Slight deviations between the calculated integrated indicators of the level of monetary security in-dicate the accuracy of the calculations of both the first and the second approach. Both approaches can be used in practice by regulators and government agencies. According to the results of the study, we conclude that the integrat-ed indicator of the level of Ukraine’s monetary security in 2020 is within satisfactory limits, due to the objective cur-rent trends of the national economy.enmonetary spherelevel of monetary securitycalculationintegral assessmentpolicy indicatorsIntegrated Assessment of Ukraine Monetary Security LevelArticle