Ozhohan, AndriiStratulat, NataliiaLysianskyi, PavloYurkovska, MaiiaZaluzhna, Olha2023-02-202023-02-202022The Impact of Political Lobbying on the Aggravation of Language Conflicts in the Era of Globalization / Andrii Ozhohan, Nataliia Stratulat, Pavlo Lysianskyi, Maiia Yurkovska, Olha Zaluzhna // Cuestiones Politicas. - 2022. - Vol. 40, Issue 75. - P. 431-456. - https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4075.270798-14062542-3185https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.4075.27https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24718The language problem has always been serious in Ukraine and often turned into an armed confrontation. This problem is becoming particularly acute in view of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, one of the stated reasons for the "linguistic inequality". The aim of the article is to determine the impact of unregulated political lobbying by individuals or groups on the aggravation of language conflicts in Ukraine and compare it with other countries. The research involved the following methods: analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, graphical methods, establishment of cause-effect relations and cluster analysis. The novelty of the research is the study of the impact of political lobbying on the development of language conflicts in the region by means of cluster analysis. The study established the relationship between legislative regulation o f lobbying, language conflicts and corruption rates in the country. In the conclusions, the analysis shows that the availability of the institution of lobbying corresponds to lower rates of corruption and the virtual absence of language conflicts. The obtained results can be used by the government to improve Ukrainian legislation.enpolitical lobbyingimpact of lobbyinglinguistic conflictsarmed conflictsglobalization and corruptionarticleThe Impact of Political Lobbying on the Aggravation of Language Conflicts in the Era of GlobalizationArticle