Martsenyuk, Tamara2014-11-182014-11-182014Martsenyuk T. Gender politics in Ukraine: Challenges of Europeanization [course] / Tamara Martsenyuk; European University of Viadrina (Germany), European Studies Department. - [S. I. : s. n. , 201?] - 14 p. course aims to examine gender relations in the contemporary Ukrainian society (in comparative international perspective) and discuss of (possible) impact of Western (EU) influence on them. Gender (in)equality in the public (politics, labor market) and private (family) spheres in Ukraine are studied. Students are supposed to evaluate critically different researches of gender relations in Ukraine (conducted during large EU, UNDP etc. projects), main gender legislation adopted recently, international obligations of Ukraine towards implementation of equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Moreover, gender politics in EU will be discussed critically (based on experience of particular countries). For example, as it is argued in “Strategy for equality between women and men – 2010–2015”: “Women are under-represented in the decision-making process, both in parliaments and national governments and on management boards of large companies, despite making up half the workforce and more than half of new university graduates in the EU.” The question is: What should be done on different levels by different actors (EU, member states, NGOs etc.) to change (improve) situation? It will be stressed on reconciliation of work, private and family life that is recognized at the EU level as an important priority for achieving gender equality and to facilitate women’s possibilities to take part in political life. Both negative and positive trends, challenges and opportunities in the recent Ukrainian politics that are connected with gender equality implementation issues will be discussed. Besides, particular course topics will be devoted to LGBT issues; gender intersection with ethnicity / nationality (Roma women problems). Course will have mainly sociological perspective. International and national reports, public opinion surveys, legislation, research etc. will be critically analyzed. Moreover, besides Sociology, course intersects such majors as Political studies, Area studies (Eastern European / Post-Soviet, European Union Studies), Human rights studies and others.ensocial problems researcherhumanGender politics in Ukraine: Challenges of EuropeanizationOther