Масенко, Лариса2017-05-262017-05-262016Масенко Лариса Терентіївна. Українська мова як фактор національної безпеки / Масенко Л. Т. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 5-15.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11413Based on the foreign sociolinguistic studies, the paper clears up the social and psychological processes in the situation of mass bilingualism formed under colonial dependence of the country. The consequence of imperial assimilation policy is the language split of the population in Ukraine that has a territorial dimension. The historical reasons for the formation of significant local linguistic and cultural differences in Ukraine, including the division of the country into the Ukrainian speaking West and the Russian speaking East and South are considered. The analysis of the manipulative technologies used by the Soviet authorities to block the influence of the nationally conscious and politically competent population of the western areas annexed in 1939 by the USSR, on the population of other areas, is carried out. At this, an important role was played by a practice of demonizing western rebels in a propaganda discourse, in particular, the use of the category «Bandera» in the context of a totalitarian language of hatred. The problem of the dependence of the identity and civilization orientations and electoral preferences of people in different regions, on the linguistic and cultural state of the urban environment is enlightened. While the development of political processes in the Western Ukraine from as early as the time of Gorbachev’s «perestroika» was similar to that that occurred in the Central Europe and Baltic countries, the Eastern Ukraine still remained integrated in the Russian civilization area. Nonsynchronized linguistic and socio-cultural status of the western and eastern regions threatens Ukraine with a loss of a territorial integrity, which is now implemented in the scenario of the Russian occupation of Crimea and the war in the Donbass region unleashed by Russia. Contemporary anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Russia applies the Soviet tradition to use the category «Bandera» in conjunction with such pejoratives as «fascists’ and «Nazis». The same semantics in Russian media is attributed to the label «Kiev Hunta», intended to form the stereotype of the public perception of Ukrainian authorities as opposed to the general public group that seized the power illegally. Si2nce in the information and armed war with Ukraine Russia uses the Russification factor of the eastern and southern regions to justify its attack in Ukraine, an urgent task of the Ukrainian authorities is to implement an efficient language policy aimed at strengthening the real and not declarative official status of the Ukrainian language as was before.У статті розглянуто історичні причини відмінностей у формуванні мовних середовищ західних і південно-східних областей України, роль радянської політики демонізації західноукраїнського повстанського руху у процесах ментального відчуження західноукраїнської людності від населення інших областей, використання радянських практик у сучасному російському пропагандистському дискурсі та накреслення шляхів подолання суперечностей у мовно-культурному розвитку різних регіонів України.ukbilingualismlanguage policyRussificationde-Russificationмовний розколмовна політикадвомовністьмовно-культурне середовищерусифікаціядерусифікаціяУкраїнська мова як фактор національної безпекиUkrainian language as a factor of national securityArticle