Titarenko, Iryna2018-01-302018-01-302017Titarenko Iryna. Constructing Narrative as a Method of Developing Conflictological Competence of Prospective Specialists in Advertising and Public Relations / I. Titarenko // Paradigm of Knowledge. - 2017. - № 4 (24). - P. 1-11.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12572In the article the essence of constructing narrative in self-education work as a method of developing conflictological competence of prospective specialists in advertising and public relations has been revealed. The narrative itself has been defined as a conflictological method, or a method of social impact. During the pedagogical experiment constructing narrative was carried out on several stages, i.e. organization and stimulation, content and activity, effect and reflection. It has been found out that such sequences of stages promotes directing motivation and values sphere of prospective specialists in advertising and public relations to constructive conflict resolution alongside with acquiring integrated knowledge on conflictology, developing conflictological skills and acquiring practical experience of constructive conflict resolution. It has been proved that the effectiveness of the developing conflictological competence of prospective specialists in advertising and public relations is provided by a set of appropriate methods, techniques and forms of learning activity. Organisational and methodical provision included reviewing of promotional narratives, analysis of experts’ opinions on the role of narrative in the field of media communications, using quest technologies, identifying characteristics of the target audience, creating, implementing and verifying the effectiveness of narratives for internal and external audiences with the help of GoogleApps services. The obtained results can be implemented in the professional training of prospective specialists in advertising and public relations.ennarrativemethodconflictconflictological competenceprospective specialists in advertising and public relationsarticleConstructing Narrative as a Method of Developing Conflictological Competence of Prospective Specialists in Advertising and Public RelationsArticle