Hnatiuk, OlaYermolenko, Volodymyr2020-08-052020-08-052019Hnatiuk O. Ukrainian-Polish relations : interview with Ola Hnatiuk / Ola Hnatiuk // Ukraine in histories and stories. Essays by Ukrainian intellectuals / ed.: Volodymyr Yermolenko. - Kyiv : [ K.I.S.], 2019. - P. 230-252. version of an interview that Ola Hnatiuk gave to Volodymyr Yermolenko (editor of this book) for The conversation focuses on Polish-Ukrainian relations in the 20th century: about the Volyn tragedy, history of Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation, and how Ukrainians and Poles should look for points in their history that unite them.enOla relationsinterviewUkrainian-Polish relations : interview with Ola HnatiukOther