Baida, LarysaIvanova, Olena2020-10-262020-10-262019Baida L. Universal Design in Healthcare : manual / Larysa Baida, Olena Ivanova ; ed. by Olena Ivanova ; United Nations Development Programme. - [Kyiv : UNDP], 2019. - 56 p.978-617-7627-14-1 publication offers guidelines for creating accessible, comfortable, and safe environments and services for clients in healthcare facilities according to the Principles of Universal Design. Being human-centred, Universal Design allows for medical facility policy-making that considers human diversity, acknowledges the needs and abilities of different users, promotes equality and high-quality service for all, and encourages the use of new technology, equipment, and approaches to accessible facilities planning. This manual will be useful for health care facilities managers, members of non-governmental organizations, professors, students, and everyone who is interested in Universal Design and strives to live in a society that acknowledges the interests of different people, leaving no one behind.enhealthcarefacilities managersuniversal designmanualUniversal Design in Healthcare : manualLearning Object