Meleshevich, Andrey2014-10-202014-10-202006Meleshevych A. The Double Ballon Majority Electoral Model end Party System Formation : a case Study of the 1993 Law on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine / A. Meleshevych // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Юридичні науки. - 2006. - Т. 53. - С. 8-12. purpose of this article is to analyze the underlying assumptions about the relationship of the electoral laws and the development of the party system in the post-Soviet states.enвибориЗакон України "Про вибори народних депутатів" 1993 р.Ballon Majority Electoral ModelParty System FormationThe Double Ballon Majority Electoral Model end Party System Formation : a case Study of the 1993 Law on Elections of People's Deputies of UkraineArticle