Голінатий, Олексій2017-06-152017-06-152017Голінатий О. П. До питання про гідро-ойконімні паралелі : (на матеріалі назв Кіровоградщини) / Голінатий О. П. // Магістеріум. - 2017. - Вип. 66 : Мовознавчі студії. - С. 26-29.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11600The names of Kirovohrad region settlements maintain a close connection with local hydronyms because living near the water was one of the main conditions of settling on for the most part of the steppe areas. The characteristic feature of many oikonyms (39 names) is toponymic metonymy with the structure of water object names, which raises a question of primacy / secondary importance of settlement names in relation to local hydronyms. A tradition to consider settlement names as secondary in relation to genetically related hydronyms that has been recently established subsequently has become prevailing in modern onomastics. However, the primacy of hydronyms compared with similar oikonyms is not an indisputable fact. After migrating to a particular territory, the population accustomed to a settled life firstly establishes a settlement, names it, and only then (in the process of further exploration of the area) gives names to all the surrounding objects, including small rivers, streams, springs, etc. In such cases, the hydronyms are secondary to oikonyms that are dominant in the area, which creates possessive-relational relations between them. A vast majority of oikonyms of Kirovohrad region are secondary to the names of the local water objects, which is indicated mostly by the hydrographic semantics of generative appellatives and relatively recent historical fixations of the names of the settlements compared with hydronyms: Adzhamka, Kaharlyk, Tashlyk. More ancient fixation of the water object name and “water” semantics of stems also affirms the hydronimic past of autochthonous names of the settlements: Vys, Oblanka, Syniukha. Another criterion that contributes to establishment of primacy / secondary importance of the names of rivers and settlements is the word formation structure of hydro- and oiko-lexemes, the structure of which often changes in the suffix part: Bovtyshka village < Bovtysh river, Suhokliyivka village < Suhakleya river, etc. In most cases, derivationally complex lexemes formed in a morphological method with an affix are secondary as well.За останній час утвердилася традиція розглядати ойконіми як явища секундарні щодо генетично споріднених гідронімів. Однак первинність назв водних об’єктів порівняно з однойменними назвами поселень не є беззаперечним фактом. У статті досліджено такі гідро-ойконімні зв’язки на основі онімного простору Кіровоградської області.ukойконімгідронімлексемаметоніміятрансонімізаціяoikonymhydronymmetonymytransonimizationДо питання про гідро-ойконімні паралелі: (на матеріалі назв Кіровоградщини)Article