Kyselova, Tatiana2021-11-012021-11-012021Kyselova T. What dialogue actually transforms? Dialogue theories of change in Ukraine / Kyselova Tetiana // Трансформація соціальних інститутів в інформаційному суспільстві : IV Конгрес Соціологічної асоціації України, Харків, 28-29 жовтня 2021 року : тези доповідей / [ред. рада: Бакіров В. С. (голова ради) та ін.] ; Соціологічна асоціація України. - Харків : [б. в.], 2021. - С. 157-159. paper explores the emerging grassroot theories of change (ToCs) of local and international dialogue practitioners working in Ukraine and answers the question "how dialogue practitioners perceive transformations that facilitated dialogues are capable to bring about". In contrast to deductive classifications of theories of change, this study applies inductive method of building theories of change from theories in use that includes a reciprocal process of developing grounded theory, comparing it with existing research literature, testing emergent hypotheses and dialoguing with practitioners about the findings and new questions. The paper relies on the findings of an original empirical study consisting of two focus groups with 18 participants total, and 13 individual, semi-structured interviews with local Ukrainian dialogue practitioners as well as international dialogue practitioners who have been based in Ukraine for at least two years. The focus groups and interviews were conducted from January to July 2019 in Kyiv. Selection of interviewees included outreach to Ukrainian dialogue facilitators residing in Kharkiv, Odesa, Svyatohirsk, Zaporijjya, Slov’yansk, Pavlograd and working all over the country, as well as to international dialogue practitioners from Germany, Finland, the United States, Denmark and Australia working in Ukraine.entheories of changedialoguedialogue facilitatorstransformation of societyconference materialsWhat dialogue actually transforms? Dialogue theories of change in UkraineConference materials