Ренчка, Інна2018-02-212018-02-212017Ренчка І. Є. Переосмислення семантики лексем на позначення мистецьких напрямів і течій у сучасних тлумачних словниках української мови / Інна Ренчка // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць / відп. ред. В. Ожоган ; Нац. ун-т "Києво-Могилянська академія". - Київ : Дух і Літера, 2017. - Вип. 3. - С. 165-176.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12630Статтю присвячено висвітленню особливостей деідеологізації лексем на позначення мистецьких напрямів і течій у сучасних українських словниках тлумачного типу, що відбувається під впливом змін у житті українського суспільства наприкінці XX- на початку XXI ст. Дослідження здійснено на основі порівняльного аналізу тлумачень слів у лексикографічних працях радянського і пострадянського періодів. Виявлено приклади неповної деідеологізації лексичних одиниць зазначеної тематичної групи.One of the main processes in composing the newest Ukrainian dictionaries is the deideologization of the semantics of lexical units by means of depriving their evaluation component of the meaning inherent in communist ideology. At the present stage, this is related to the destruction of evaluation oppositions, which were the basis for the formation of the totalitarian world picture of the former USSR, characterized by the polarization of concepts in accordance with their appurtenance to “own” or “alien” value system. The processes of deideologization in modern dictionaries cover various thematic dictionary groups that experienced ideological influence in the Soviet period, in particular, the names of artistic movements and streams. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify the changes in the semantics of lexical units used for the designation of artistic movements and streams on the basis of the comparative analysis of words interpretation in dictionaries of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and to determine the degree to which the definitions of this vocabulary are released from the ideological content. Methods. The paper uses descriptive, diachronic-comparative and component analysis methods. These methods include classification and systematization of lexical material techniques. Results. As a result of the comparative analysis of the interpretation of words in the Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language in 11 volumes (1970-1980) as well as of the modern lexicographic works, it has been found out that due to the alienation of the axiological opposition “own - alien” in the modern period, the names of artistic movements and streams are freed from negative marking. They are reinterpreted in accordance with modern realities, in particular, Ukrainian reality, and acquire neutral and in certain contexts positive connotations. This is achieved due to such lexicographic techniques as avoiding evaluation attributes, spatial-temporal characteristics and other ideological markers as well as due to presentation of new lexeme definitions. Moreover, the examples of the incomplete deideologization of lexical units are found, which consists in providing the old ideological definitions, preservation of the ideological semes in the meaning of words, which does not promote objectivity of their lexicographic representation. Discussion. It is concluded that modern lexicographic works demonstrate the changes in the semantics of lexemes used to designate artistic movements and streams in accordance with the new requirements of society. However, the rudiments of the Soviet ideology in the vocabulary definitions indicate that the processes of deideologization in the lexicographic sphere are not completed yet and require further in-depth study.ukдеідеологізаціямистецькі напрями і течіїсловникова статтяідеологічний маркерпозитивна та негативна конотаціїстаттяdeideologizationartistic movements and streamsdictionary entryideological markerpositive and negative connotationsПереосмислення семантики лексем на позначення мистецьких напрямів і течій у сучасних тлумачних словниках української мовиReinterpretation of lexeme semantics of the names of artistic movements and streams in the contemporary explanatory dictionaries of ukrainian languageArticle