Сущенко, Володимир2013-11-052013-11-052005Сущенко В. Проблема професійної відповідальності юриста (нотатки філософсько-правового аналізу) / Володимир Сущенко // Українське право. - 2005. - № 1. - С. 163-172.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2589The article is devoted to the issue of lawyer’s professional responsibility which has been an object of research of numerous generations of philosophers, psychologists and lawyers in countries of Central and Western Europe, Great Britain and the USA for more than a century and only in recent years of the development of Ukraine it has aroused interest of political scientists, legal scholars and practicing lawyers. On the basis of complex etymological, philosophical, psychological and legal analysis of "responsibility" phenomenon as such and its version of "the professional responsibility" in particular, the author made an attempt to formulate the general notion of responsibility including "lawyer’s professional responsibility".otherвідповідальність юристівПроблема професійної відповідальності юриста (нотатки філософсько-правового аналізу)Article