Марценюк, ТамараАдамська, Ксенія2017-11-162017-11-162017Марценюк Тамара Олегівна. Чинники подолання "скляної стелі" в бізнесі в Україні / Марценюк Т. О., Адамська К. В. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Соціологічні науки. - 2017. - Т. 196. - С. 52-65.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12218У статті розглянуто теоретичні засади перешкод на кар’єрному шляху жінок у сфері бізнесу, гендерної сегрегації ринку праці. Вивчено міжнародний досвід у подоланні явища «скляної стелі». Емпірична частина статті містить аналіз та концептуалізацію чинників подолання «скляної стелі» жінками в бізнесі в Україні на основі результатів напівструктурованих фокусованих інтерв’ю.The article discusses the theoretical foundations of the obstacles to career of women in business and the gender segregation in the labor market. The author studies International experience in overcoming the phenomenon of the “glass ceiling”. The empirical part of the article contains analysis and conceptualization of factors to overcome the “glass ceiling” of women in business in Ukraine on the basis of semi-structured focused interviews. International experience demonstrates that primary factors to overcome the “glass ceiling” in business are the implemention of gender quotas and formation of a family-friendly corporate environment, i.e. the inclusive atmosphere at work. In addition, the role of the individual factors is important, which includes a more equal distribution of domestic duties between women and men in families, high motivation, and professional ethics that determines women’s success in dealing with obstacles in their career path and reaching higher job positions. Interviews with women in business in Ukraine provided a possibility to identify groups of factors from the micro- to macro-level to help women to overcome the “glass ceiling” in the business. The factors on the state level include social change of cultural patterns that would reflect the idea and practice of gender equality; economic factors such as the impact on the motivation of companies to organize the practice of family policy through the tax system; legislative regulation of the flexible schedule and type of labour, and educational measures that would ensure the awareness for women and men of the issues of the “glass ceiling” and discrimination. The state factors should be reinforced by such corporate practice as an ensuring flexible schedules for women with young children and organizing educational workshops. However, these factors start at enterprises of family-oriented care, such as kindergartens for children of female and male employees. The results of interviews showed that, in the opinion of women in business, overcoming the “glass ceiling” to the greatest extent depends on individual factors. Among them are the presence in women of certain personality traits (such as self-confidence, dedication), engaging the support of her husband / partner, and development of both professional knowledge and personal fulfilment.uk"скляна стеля"жінки в бізнесігендерна сегрегація ринку праціУкраїна“glass ceiling”women in businessgender segregation in the labor marketUkraineстаттяЧинники подолання "скляної стелі" в бізнесі в УкраїніFactors of overcoming “glass ceiling” in business in UkraineArticle