Severina, Yelena2022-01-042022-01-042021Severina Y. Lesia Ukrainka's Crimean Cycles: A Poetic Dialogue with Adam Mickiewicz / Yelena Severina // Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. - 2021. - № 8. - P. 69-83. - paper examines Lesia Ukrainka’s two lyrical cycles about Crimea, Krymski spohady and Krymski vidhuky, as examples of a poetic dialogue with Adam Mickiewicz’s Sonety krymskie. I begin my analysis by highlighting the different sensibilities of Mickiewicz’s Sonety krymskie and Lesia Ukrainka’s Krymski spohady, and underscore their formal and thematic peculiarities. The paper continues with an examination of Lesia Ukrainka’s second cycle, Krymski vidhuky, as an experiment in drama – a genre that is absent from her first cycle – before situating a dramatic scene, "Ifiheniia v Tavridi," this cycle’s only text about Crimea’s Hellenic history, within the cultural contexts of Lesia Ukrainka’s oeuvre. In doing so, I argue that Iphigenia’s lament echoes the voice of an exiled poet from Mickiewicz’s sonnets and conclude my analysis by probing reasons behind Lesia Ukrainka’s choice of a Greek (not Tatar) heroine.enLesia UkrainkaAdam MickiewiczCrimeaexilepoetic cyclelesedramaIphigeniaarticleLesia Ukrainka's Crimean Cycles: A Poetic Dialogue with Adam MickiewiczArticle