Slaviuk, Nataliia2024-10-162024-10-162023Slaviuk N. De-dollarization policies and prospects for the de-dollarization of the Ukrainian economy / [Slaviuk Nataliia] // Financial Policy of Ukraine for the Maintenance of Macroeconomic Stability : the collective monograph / [Lukianenko I., Galytska E., Primierova O. et al. ; general editor Lukianenko I.] ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. - Kyiv : Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2023. - Chapter 4.4. - Р. 176-185.978-966-518-849-0 policies are becoming increasingly important for many countries as they seek to reduce their dependence on foreign currencies and promote economic stability. While the specific strategies for de-dollarization may vary, it is generally recognized that reducing dollarization can help countries avoid financial crises and currency shocks. However, the success of de-dollarization policies can depend on a range of factors, such as the strength of a country's financial institutions, the degree of public trust in the national currency, and the effectiveness of government policies in promoting alternative investment options. Therefore, it is important for policymakers to carefully consider the various approaches to dedollarization and choose those that are most likely to be successful in their specific economic and political context.ende-dollarizationde-dollarization policiesmonetary policyinflationmonograph sectionDe-dollarization policies and prospects for the de-dollarization of the Ukrainian economyBook chapter