Dzera, Iryna2020-06-122020-06-122019Dzera I. Issues in the Legal Framework of Invalidity of Transactions in Ukraine / Iryna Dzera // Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (AJEE). - 2019. - Issue 1 (2). - P. 67-81. essay analyzes legal nature and grounds of nullity of transactions according to the civil legislation of Ukraine and modern civil law achievements. Correlation between invalid, void and illegal transactions is set. It establishes the specifics of invalid transactions, that demarks them from other similar legal categories. The essay discloses gaps and contradictions in the legislation of Ukraine, while pointing out different approaches of the application of law by the courts when it comes to the nullity of transactions, as well as offers solutions as to its improvement. The legal nature of articles of incorporation (articles of association, except for the articles of association of a partnership) is analyzed. And issue of possibility to use provisions as to invalidity of transactions to invalidating the incorporation documents of a legal person and/or decisions of the general meeting of the partnerships is set.ennullity of transactionsvoid transactionsillegality of transactionsvalidentered intolawfularticleIssues in the Legal Framework of Invalidity of Transactions in UkraineArticle