Lukianenko, Iryna2024-10-182024-10-182023Lukianenko I. G. Introduction / [Lukianenko Iryna] // Financial Policy of Ukraine for the Maintenance of Macroeconomic Stability : the collective monograph / [Lukianenko I., Galytska E., Primierova O. et al. ; general editor Lukianenko I.] ; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. - Kyiv : Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2023. - P. 6-8.978-966-518-849-0 financial policy of a state is a key tool for economic governance, which has the aim to supervise the economic processes and support of sustainable economic growth. However, macroeconomic instability presents significant obstacles to the effective implementation of financial policy, influencing its development, execution, and results. For instance, high inflation adversely impacts the efficiency of monetary tools, making control over the money supply and interest rates more complicated. Current reductions in state revenue and increase in budget deficits limit the ability to fund economic programs. Moreover, high levels of volatility heighten risks for investors, leading to decreased investments and complicating the execution of longterm financial strategies.enfinancial policymacroeconomic instabilityinflationcompetitivenessintroduction to monographIntroductionBook chapter