Turanly, Ferhad2018-06-072018-06-072017Turanly F. Problems of Studying the Crimean-Tatar Manuscripts of the Cossack Period on the Ukrainian-Turkish Relations / Ferhad Turanly // VAKANÜVİS - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi = International Journal of Historical Researche. - 2017. - Vol. 2, no. 1. - P. 218-244.2149-9536https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13241In the present article, the Ottoman Turkish and Crimean-Tatar written manuscripts are under studies as sources of the Crimean Khanate History. The authors of the manuscripts used different writing systems, so a text interpretation problem is faced by scholars. The evolution of writing is considered as a source for the objective study of the Crimean Khanate History and its international relations, in particular, those ones with the Ukrainian Cossack State.enTurkic Ottoman Crimean-Tatar written monumentsevolutionkhanatea sourceinterpretationhistoryarticleProblems of Studying the Crimean-Tatar Manuscripts of the Cossack Period on the Ukrainian-Turkish RelationsArticle