Sheiko, Iu.2014-09-192014-09-192014Sheiko I. From the Autonomy of Politics to the Autonomy of the Political [електроннний ресурс] / I. Sheiko // Магістеріум. - 2014. - Т. 58 : Політичні студії. - С. 15-20. article investigates both social and scientific processes that led to an emergence of a notion ‘the political’ and its establishment as an accepted within the political science. The main attention is devoted to theories by Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, and Ulrich Beck.enpoliticsthe politicalautonomyautonomizationindustrial Modernityreflexive ModernityJürgen HabermasNiklas LuhmannUlrich BeckFrom the Autonomy of Politics to the Autonomy of the PoliticalArticle