Romaniuk, SvitlanaTykhonenko, TetianaSiromolot, AndriyGuzyk, MykhailoLugovska, NataliaGalkin, OlexanderKuchmerovska, TamaraKolybo, DenysKomisarenko, Sergiy2023-04-192023-04-192022Development of a dietary supplement for improving the cognitive and lowering the homocysteine level / Romaniuk S. I., Tykhonenko T. M., Siromolot A. A., Guzyk M. M., Lugovska N. E., Galkin O. Yu., Kuchmerovska Т. М., Kolybo D. V., Komisarenko S. V. // Science and Innovation. - 2022. - Vol. 18, No. 1. - P. 66-75. - To develop the dietary supplement for reducing high homocysteine levels, which has a minimum content of components that may cause side effects; to test the supplement effect on the cognitive abilities of ani-mals and to commercialize the product.Materials and Methods. The developed dietary supplement Alfacognitin contains vitamins B6, B9, B12, C, and choline. For modelling experimental hyperhomocysteinemia in rats, the animals are kept on a diet rich in L-methionine. Blood homocysteine concentrations are determined by the ion exchange liquid column chromato-graphy method with the use of an automatic amino acid analyzer. The behavioral responses and cognitive abilities of the rats have been studied with the use of behavioral tests (open field test, fear conditioning test, and social int e raction test). The production of Alfacognitin dietary supplement has been launched with Nutrimed Ltd. (Kyiv).enhyperhomocysteinemiadietary supplementvitamins Bvitamin Ccholinecardiovascular diseasescognitive functionsCOVID-19articleDevelopment of a dietary supplement for improving the cognitive and lowering the homocysteine levelРозроблення засобу для покращення когнітивних функцій та зниження рівня гомоцистеїнуArticle