Kin, Ostap2021-02-222021-02-222020Kin O. Cossacks in Jamaica, Ukraine at the Antipodes: Essays in Honor of Marko Pavlyshyn, eds. Alessandro Achilli, Serhy Yekelchyk, and Dmytro Yesypenko [electronic resource] / reviewed by Ostap Kin // Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal. - 2020. - № 7. - P. 245-248. - Рецензія на книгу: Alessandro Achilli, Serhy Yekelchyk, and Dmytro Yesypenko, eds. Cossacks in Jamaica, Ukraine at the Antipodes: Essays in Honor of Marko Pavlyshyn Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2020. 812 pp. on Alessandro Achilli, Serhy Yekelchyk, and Dmytro Yesypenko, eds. Cossacks in Jamaica, Ukraine at the Antipodes: Essays in Honor of Marko Pavlyshyn Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2020. 812 pp.enCossacksUkrainian literatureAutobiographyreviewCossacks in Jamaica, Ukraine at the Antipodes: Essays in Honor of Marko Pavlyshyn, eds. Alessandro Achilli, Serhy Yekelchyk, and Dmytro YesypenkoArticle