Волковський, В.2017-05-262017-05-262016Волковський В. П. "Суспільність" : ідея у слові / Волковський В. П. // Мова : класичне - модерне - постмодерне : збірник наукових праць. - 2016. - Вип. 2. - С. 42-52.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11409The article is devoted to the study of untranslatability of philosophical terminology. Searching this I am relying on the experience of the European Vocabulary of philosophies and the methodology applied in it, including the history of concepts (Begriffsgechichte), history of ideas and history of words. The researches in such fields motivate to focus on specific philosophical untranslatables of Ukrainian philosophical language. The experience of similar investigations developed in the Vocabulary is widened adverting to the word «suspilnist»» which can be translated likely as «sociality», but which consists in itself a lot of meanings that create from itself a philosophical untranslatable. This word had meant in XIX century a list of fundamental social categories like society, community (Germ.: Gemeinde), association, public, etc. Since that history of Ukrainian social-philosophical vocabulary moved toward differentiation between these notions which have completed in 1920–1940s. This process one can observe in texts of leading authors of Ukrainophile movement such as Volodymyr Antonovyč, Mychajlo Drahomanov, Ivan Franko, and afterwards Metropolitan Andrej Šeptyc’kyj. The Borys Hrinčenko’s dictionary in 1908 shows consistent usage of suspilnist» in the meaning «society». Such a research requires being cautious to speciality of Ukrainian XIX century when political and philosophical discourse was provided in more than 4 languages but not Ukrainian. This obstacle make specific problem for a researcher of philosophical language. The article also provides a comparison with similar concepts in other Slavic languages whose social vocabulary derived from German social philosophy, being different in Western Slavic languages closed to which is Ukrainian one, in Russian (together with Bulgarian), Serbo-Croatian, Slovene and Belorussian versions. This all shows that contemporary meaning of suspilnist» which is most commonly understood as something like social nature of human being, its sociality (the noun composed from the adjective «social») was formed through complicated evolution of modern political- and social-philosophical discourse and of humanities in Ukrainian context.Статтю присвячено дослідженню багатозначності та неперекладності слова «суспільність», яке в історії української соціально-філософської термінології позначало низку фундаментальних суспільних категорій, а історія трансформації його значень пов’язана з процесом становлення модерного політично-філософського дискурсу та гуманітарних наук в українському контексті.uksocialitypolitical philosophysocial philosophyphilosophical terminologyсуспільністьполітична філософіясоціальна філософіяфілософська термінологія"Суспільність": ідея у слові«Sociality»: the problem within the wordArticle