Golovashchenko, Sergii2011-07-122011-07-122010Golovashchenko S. The European Tradition of Biblical Studies as a Platform of Religious and Cultural Pluralism: The Experience of Kyiv Theological Academy (the Second Half of the 19th - the Beginning of the 20th Century) / Sergij Golovashchenko // Pluralizm kulturowy i religijny współczesnego świata. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana ksiedzu profesorowi Henrykowi Zimoniowi SVD w 70. rocznice urodzin / red. Z. Kupisinski, S. Grodz. - Lublin : Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010. - S. 131-140.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1094enБібліяКиївська духовна академіяBibleKyiv Theological AcademyarticleThe European Tradition of Biblical Studies as a Platform of Religious and Cultural Pluralism: The Experience of Kyiv Theological Academy (the Second Half of the 19th - the Beginning of the 20th Century)Article