Дика, Людмила2016-08-232016-08-232016Дика Людмила Василівна. Волинський, західноволинський чи середньонадбужанський говір? / Дика Л. В. // Магістеріум. - 2016. - Вип. 62 : Мовознавчі студії. - С. 28-32.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9318The article deals with the names of Ukrainian dialects on the maps of І. Zilynskyj, F. Zhylko, I. Matviyas; it suggests revising the traditional classification and distinguishing Middle Buhian (or Western Volynian) dialect within Volyn dialect. It is emphasized that from the point of view of origin, Western Volynian dialect is archaic; and Eastern Volynian dialect was formed on the newly populated territories. Some phonetic and morphological features common for Western Volynian and Eastern Volynian dialects, are considered on the material of dialectal texts, with singling out their different features. E.g., common features: [і] in place of *е, *о, *ě: н’іч, п’іч, в’із, пан б’іг, в’інóк; palatalized [ц’]: гранúц’а, каганéц’, non-palatalized [р]: вечéрайут, бýра, зорá, порáдок; prothetic consonant [г]: погобíдали, з гáрмійі, гóс’ін’, etc. Specific features of Western Volynian dialect include: pronunciation of stressed [е] as [а]: дáриво, дáйакий; pronunciation of stressed [и] as [е]: хустéна, л’удéна, будéнок; pronunciation of stressed [а] depending on the position as [е]: пр’éла, з цв’éхом, боуйéц’а; pronunciation of unstressed [а] as [і]: т’ігáр, в’ігл’ідáли, од’ігáлис’і; “ukannia”, i.e. pronunciation of unstressed [о] as [у]: йаруплáн, курувáй, лупáти. The article also describes different views of linguists on the transition [е] > [а] and [и] > [е]. This phenomenon is known in Hutsul, Pokuttia-Bukovynian, Upper Sannian, Upper Dnistrian, Transcarpathian and other Ukrainian dialects. Development of [а] in place of *е, *ь and *ъ is characteristic of Central Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Lower Sorbian dialects and for the extinct Polabian language. F. Klimchuk has offered an idea that the transition [е] > [а] can be explained by the influence of the remains of Southern Slavic dialects on Eastern Slavic dialects of Polissia. It can be assumed that transition [е] > [a] is characteristic of old Volynian dialect. Its preservation in the modern Western Volynian dialect, as well as other features that are absent in Eastern Volynian dialect, give the reason to support H. Shylo’s idea and to distinguish a separate dialectal formation within the Volyn dialect: Middle Buhian (or Western Volynian) dialect.У статті на матеріалі діалектних текстів розглянуто фонетичні та морфологічні особливості волинського говору, виділено риси, які характеризують західноволинські говірки; підтримано ідею виокремлення в межах волинського говору середньонадбужанського говору.ukволинський говірзахідноволинські говіркисередньонадбужанський говірпониження артикуляціїперехід е > а, и > еVolynian dialectWestern Volynian subdialectsMiddle Buhian dialectlowering of articulation, [е] > [a] and [и] > [е] shiftsВолинський, західноволинський чи середньонадбужанський говір?Volynian, Western Volynian or Middle Buhian dialect?Article