Prylutskyi, MaksymStarodub, Nickolaj2021-03-212021-03-212019Prylutskyi M. Analysis of polyamine levels in blood serum of patients with breast cancer using optical SPR-based immune biosensor / Maksym Prylutskyi, Nikolay Starodub // Medicina. - 2019. - Vol. 55, Suppl. 1. - P. 6. aim of the study was to develop a method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of polyamines as potential tumour markers in blood serum of patients diseased with breast cancer with use of newly created immune biosensor based on effect of surface plasmon resonance.enimmune biosensortumour markersbreast cancerconference materialsAnalysis of polyamine levels in blood serum of patients with breast cancer using optical SPR-based immune biosensorConference materials