Orlova, Dariya2020-11-032020-11-032018Orlova D. Natalya Ryabinska. Ukraine’s Post-Communist Mass Media: Between Capture and Commercialization [electronic resource] / Orlova D. // East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies. - 2018. - Vol. 5, No. 2. - P. 177-180.2292-7956https://doi.org/10.21226/ewjus424https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18453Book review of Natalya Ryabinska. Ukraine’s Post-Communist Mass Media: Between Capture and Commercialization.enUkrainian mediainformal institutionsPost-Communist Mass MediareviewNatalya Ryabinska. Ukraine’s Post-Communist Mass Media: Between Capture and CommercializationOther