Чечуліна, І.2018-07-062018-07-062018Чечуліна І. О. До вивчення технології обпалу аттичної чорнолакової кераміки / Чечуліна І. О. // Магістеріум. Археологічні студії. - 2018. - Вип. 70. - С. 78-81.1996-9872https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13528У статті розглянуто основні етапи виробництва аттичної чорнолакової кераміки класичного періоду. В цьому ракурсі визначено основні характеристики аттичної глини, з якої виготовляли чорнолаковий посуд. Виокремлено основні етапи виробництва кераміки, а саме підготовку матеріалів, формовку посуду, нанесення орнаментів та обпалення. Особливу увагу присвячено підготовці чорнолакового покриття, його мінералогічному та хімічному складу та складній системі обпалу цього виду посуду, в чому й полягає головна таємниця успіху давньогрецьких майстрів.The article reviews the main stages of the attic black-glazed classic pottery manufacturing. The main secret of excellence quality of the attic black-glazed pottery is hidden in the attic clay. Attic clay is rich sedentary clay that is characteristically an orange-red color and has plastic properties, making it ideal for pottery. When clay is first dug out of the ground, it is full of rocks and shells and other useless items that need to be removed. So, the master needs to repeatedly do levigation and elutriation to the clay. After purification, clay becomes smooth, elastic, and homogeneous. The next stage of manufacturing is forming. Most of attic pottery was wheel-made, more complex pieces were made in parts then assembled when it was leather-hard by means of joining with a slip, where the potter returned to the wheel for the final shaping, or turning. The pots were usually made in sections such as the body, the foot, and the spout. After the pot is made, the potter decorates it with stumps and incised lines. Then master covers the surface with special black glaze. The last but the most complex stage is burning in a kiln, which has three stages. At first, the pottery is stacked inside the kiln; the potter heats the kiln up to around 850° C with all the vents on the sides open to let air in. This turns the pottery and the paint red all over. Once the kiln reaches 800° C, the vents are closed and the temperature is raised to 950° C and then allowed to drop back to 900° C. This turns the pottery and the paint all black. The potter then starts the third and final phase by opening the vents and allowing the kiln to cool all the way down. This last phase leaves the slip black but turns the pottery back to red. So, the technology of manufacturing the black-glazed pottery is very important for understanding the main difference between this type of pottery and others. Exactly due to this knowledge we can divide and date pottery more accurately.ukаттична керамікастародавнє виробництвочорнолакова керамікавиробництвотехнологіяАфінистаттяattic ancient Greek potteryblack-glazed potterymanufacturingtechnologyAthensДо вивчення технології обпалу аттичної чорнолакової керамікиTo the study of technology of burning of Attic black-glazed potteryArticle