Bogdanov, SergiyHarbar, KaterynaBychko, Hanna2024-01-272024-01-272023Bogdanov S. Project: Safe Space: comprehensive psychosocial support to war-affected Ukrainian schools : research report / Bogdanov Sergiy, Harbar Kateryna, Bychko Hanna. - [Kyiv : s. n.], 2023. - 134 p. "Safe Space" is a comprehensive psychosocial program, specifically aimed at enhancing the resilience of schoolchildren in the aftermath of traumatic events. Its multifaceted approach includes components directed at both children and their immediate social environment, involving parents and teachers. The Safe Space programme has a multi-level structure. This ensures that support is provided to everyone involved at different stages of implementation. Recognizing the dynamic nature of trauma response, the program allows for the integration of new research and methodologies, continuously evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of the community it serves. The model includes training teachers on resilience strengthening at the first level and training school psychologists in the 7-session group intervention with students at second level. Within educational institutions, the program is executed by school psychologists and teachers, who undergo specialized training in Safe Space methodology. Training for psychologists includes 3 days of didactics followed by weekly supervisions. Certification can succeed after conducting at list 2 children’s groups under supervision. Teacher’s training includes 1 day of didactic in the class room followed by 2 monthly online supervisions. Due to the security reasons caused by war all didactically trainings for teachers and school psychologists have happened in online format only.enpsychosocial programtraumaSafe Space methodologyNaUKMA trainersemotional state of childrenresearch reportProject: Safe Space: comprehensive psychosocial support to war-affected Ukrainian schools : research reportReport