Михайлюк, Г. О.2018-01-122018-01-122017Михайлюк Г. О. Методологія досліджень становлення інституту комерційних позначень у праві Європейського Союзу / Михайлюк Г. О. // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки. - 2017. - Т. 193. - С. 75-80.https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12426У статті проаналізовано основні філософські підходи, методологію досліджень інституту комерційних позначень. Висвітлено теоретичне підґрунтя дослідження, розглянуто міжнародно-правові норми, які регламентують право комерційних позначень, проаналізовано наукові погляди на природу права ЄС, викладені в міжнародно-правовій літературі, джерела правового регулювання права комерційних позначень. Наголошено, що при розгляді питань європейської юридичної методології першочергового значення набуває відмінність між унітарним та внутрішнім правом і системою, а також причини її існування.No area of private law has been Europeanized to the extent of intellectual property. In addition, the methods differ by which the three main IP regimes have been Europeanized, offering three different harmonization case studies. In the patent field there exists the supranational system of the European Patent Convention, which governs the pre-grant phase of a patent’s life, depends on dual (European Patent Office and national) decision-making, incorporates an EU directive in respect of biotechnology (the Biotech Directive) and two EU supplementary protection certificate regulations, and is supplemented by a growing body of Court of Justice jurisprudence. In the trade mark field there are national and unitary EU (Community trade mark) regimes which exist in parallel. In addition, in the copyright field there are the national systems of European states, supplemented by a large number of piecemeal EU directives and a substantial body of national and Court of Justice case law. Despite this, to date there has been little sustained consideration of the methodological and institutional aspects of Europeanization in IP, and little attempt to draw lessons from the experiences of IP for European private law or vice versa. While the relationship between European and national law is determined organizationally, via the monist or dualist doctrine, in the case of EU law the result under both systems is that the EU law is directly applicable. In addition to being directly applicable, the EU law is also supreme. This supremacy is established by Court of Justice case law, affirmed by Declaration 17 Concerning Primacy, and accepted by Member States’ courts, albeit the constitutional courts of some Member States having reserved the right to derogate from the EU law if it conflicts with national constitutional principles. In 1993 Neil MacCormick predicted that in the post-sovereign European legal order there would be a need both for the rules specific to particular legal systems and for principles reflecting common traditions of ideas and securing compatibility between partially overlapping systems. In his prediction, human rights jurisprudence would likely provide the ‘common traditions of ideas’, with the principles of proportionality, natural justice, and subsidiary having particular significance, along with the idea of a common European legal inheritance and legal tradition despite common and civil law differences. Two decades later his prediction and insights continue to find strong support in the European academic literature, including in the field of IP, as some of the chapters in this volume also demonstrate. Recalling again Vogenauer’s remarks from 2005, they also offer a natural starting point for thinking about a common European legal method and the form which such a method might and ought to take.ukметодологіяправова системаєвропейське правокомерційне позначенняінтелектуальна власністьmethodologylegal systemEuropean lawcommercial designationintellectual propertyстаттяМетодологія досліджень становлення інституту комерційних позначень у праві Європейського СоюзуMethodology of commercial designations of institute formation in the EU lawArticle