Lukianenko, IrynaNezhyvenko, OksanaSemko, RomanSerpak, Igor2013-01-302013-01-302013-01-30 aim of the research is to analyze international practice of monetary regulation aimed at retaining stability of national currency, deduction of general regularities of crisis approximation prerequisites and calculation of gold and foreign currency reserves optimal level for Ukrainian financial system subject to crisis emergence probability. In order to achieve the aforementioned aim, the following main tasks should be expounded: to carry out a thorough research on macro-financial plight within sampling of 10 countries most affected and 10 countries least affected by the crises basing on the system of representative macroeconomic data.; to single out and analyze key characteristics indicating approximation an and aggravation of crises and leading to a substantial depreciation of national currencies of the selected countries; to group the countries according to nature of economic processes in pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis periods; to determine timetables of crisis course in every country of the selected ones on the basis of crisis indicators, including the Foreign Exchange Market Pressure Index; to figure out the gold and foreign currency reserves optimal level for Ukraine subject to crisis emergence probability.encomparative analysisworld economiesoptimal bank reservesmodelingпорівняльний аналізсвітова економікаоптимальні банківські резервимоделюванняDiagnostics of Financial Crisis: analysis, methods, modelsPreprint