Карапетян, Аліна2021-01-262021-01-262020Карапетян А. О. Особливості навчання представників покоління Z у вищій школі / Карапетян Аліна Овіківна // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогічні науки / Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка. - 2020. - Вип. 186. - С. 115-120. - https://doi.org/10.36550/2415-7988-2020-1-186-115-1202415-7988https://doi.org/10.36550/2415-7988-2020-1-186-115-120https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19326У статті проаналізовано вплив технічного та соціального чинників на менталітет покоління Z та особливості їх сприйняття процесу навчання. Виявлено ризики і потенціал цього впливу на формування навичок, які, згідно з прогнозами, матимуть попит на ринку праці. Сформульовано ключові вимоги до організації педагогічної практики із врахуванням соціальних налаштувань представників Покоління Z, а також запропоновано методи підвищення ефективності навчального процесу.The article focuses on typical characteristics of the representatives of Generation Z , which predetermine peculiarities of their participation in studying process. This issue is analyzed in the context of reforming Ukrainian system of higher education in accordance with Bologna process. The article emphasizes the importance to transfer from the teacher- to the student-centered, competence based approach in teaching, and to strengthen the connection between education and labour market. The analysis of the forecasts of labour market expectation shows that a university graduate has to possess the skillset including the following skills and abilities: complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, managerial skills, etc. The study also analyses typical traits of generations from the beginning of the XX century to present dwelling at a greater length on the mentality peculiarities of Generation Z representatives. These typical features are reported to have been formed under the influence of technical and social factors of the digital age. The study highlights the risks from the factors mentioned above that can hinder the process of mastering skills which are expected to be in demand on the labour market. Here belong such characteristics of the representatives of Generation Z as insufficiently developed critical thinking, the so-called clip thinking, short attention span, unwillingness to work hard to achieve goals, etc. On the other hand, the strengths of Generation Z representatives involve the ability to process any type of information, being a good team player, striving for self-development, creativity, focus on the social outreach, etc. The article concludes that it is necessary to adapt the teaching process taking into account peculiarities of Generation Z behavior and suggests the methods which can help the teaching process meet the requirement of Generation Z. The methods should aim at diminishing weaknesses of Generation Z representatives and taking advantage of their strengths. They are as follows: problem solving tasks, quests, coaching, building relationships in the paradigm «Adult-Adul», a variety of optional courses, individual approach, combining digital and offline learning, setting short-term goals, involvement in projects important to the society, etc.ukпокоління Zметоди навчаннятеорія поколіньринок працівища школастаттяgeneration Zteaching methodsgeneration theorylabor markethigh schoolОсобливості навчання представників покоління Z у вищій школіPeculiarities of teaching students belonging to generation Z in higher schoolArticle