Verba, VeronikaKyzenko, OlenaHrebeshkova, Olena2025-02-032025-02-032023Verba V. A. Change in Development Vectors of Ukrainian Enterprises in War Conditions / Veronika Verba, Olena Kyzenko, Olena Hrebeshkova // 7th FEB International Scientific Conference "Strengthening Resilience by Sustainable Economy and Business – Towards the SDGs", 16 May, 2023, Maribor, Slovenia / ed.: Zlatko Nedelko, Romana Korrez. - Maribor, 2023. - Р. 321-329. - war has changed the lives of Ukrainians dramatically. High turbulence of the economic environment cause searching potential directions of business activity recovery for Ukrainian companies. The purpose of the study was to identify the current development issues and summarize the experience of survival of Ukrainian enterprises under war conditions. Based on the analysis of the responses of more than 500 Ukrainian enterprises’ representatives from all regions of the country, actual functioning problems of Ukrainian business after February 24, 2022 were revealed. Dynamics of economic results of the enterprises was analyzed, structural changes of their contract portfolios were determined, practice of full or partial relocation of business was revealed, current operating issues of domestic companies were described. Potential vectors of development are changes in the company's product portfolio, logistics chains, structure of the contracts, keeping decent work conditions and social support for the employees.eneconomymanagemententerprisedevelopmentbusinessconference materialsChange in Development Vectors of Ukrainian Enterprises in War ConditionsConference materials