Онатій, Анастасія2021-01-222021-01-222020Онатій А. В. Особливості периферійної зони займенниково-співвідносних несиметричних речень / Анастасія Онатій // Мова: класичне - модерне - постмодерне. - 2020. - Вип. 6. - С. 128-145. - https://doi.org/10.18523/lcmp2522-9281.2020.6.128-1452616-7115https://doi.org/10.18523/lcmp2522-9281.2020.6.128-145https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19295У статті запропоновано аналіз периферійної зони займенниково-співвідносних несиметричних речень: описано специфіку формально-граматичної організації, виявлено морфологійні транспозиційні процеси, що спричиняють синсемантизацію корелята й забезпечують формування синтаксичної проєкції, зафіксовано частотні випадки прономіналізації повнозначних частин мови в позиції співвідносного слова, досліджено семантико-синтаксичні відношення. Констатовано, що зміщення повнозначного слова в синтаксичну позицію корелята спричиняє посилення його дейктичної функції й послаблення номінативної.Background. The article focuses on defining the non-core peripheral functional area of pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure. In sentences where the position of the correlative word is taken by a lexical part of speech there is frequent emigrational transformation of pronominal words. Such constructions are realised by means of correlative blocks with pronominatives of adverbial, adjectival, noun semantics. Besides the main word, sentences with noun have pronoun те, which does not have pronounced meaning and forms a variety of pairings with prepositions, based on which it indirectly creates a syntactic projection ensuring the formation of mostly syncretic semantic-syntactic relations. The purpose of this paper is to analyse formal-grammatical and semantic-syntactic structure of non-core functional peripheral area of pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure. Methods. The research made use of descriptive and comparative methods. Additionally, the elements of transformative method and functional analysis were applied. Results. The findings of this study reveal that the non-symmetrical type of such sentences is represented by three models: the first is formed through the combination of an adjectival word with a relative word with substantive semantics; the second is formed by an adverbial locative correlative word of direction and a non-symmetrical relative word, usually locative but with different semantics; Background. The article focuses on defining the non-core peripheral functional area of pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure. In sentences where the position of the correlative word is taken by a lexical part of speech there is frequent emigrational transformation of pronominal words. Such constructions are realised by means of correlative blocks with pronominatives of adverbial, adjectival, noun semantics. Besides the main word, sentences with noun have pronoun те, which does not have pronounced meaning and forms a variety of pairings with prepositions, based on which it indirectly creates a syntactic projection ensuring the formation of mostly syncretic semantic-syntactic relations. The purpose of this paper is to analyse formal-grammatical and semantic-syntactic structure of non-core functional peripheral area of pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure. Methods. The research made use of descriptive and comparative methods. Additionally, the elements of transformative method and functional analysis were applied. Results. The findings of this study reveal that the non-symmetrical type of such sentences is represented by three models: the first is formed through the combination of an adjectival word with a relative word with substantive semantics; the second is formed by an adverbial locative correlative word of direction and a non-symmetrical relative word, usually locative but with different semantics; the third contains a synsemantic noun in the main clause. Apart from pronominal words, the position of the correlative word can be taken by word forms with weakened nominative meaning, e.g. у такий спосіб, до того часу, до такої міри. Sentences with such constructions demonstrate transpositional processes within pronoun-correlated sentences with non-symmetrical structure. Discussion. The research is aimed at filling one of the gaps in the general theory of the complex sentence and completes the extant classification of pronoun-correlated sentences. This study enriches that non-core functional area of pronoun-correlated sentence with non-symmetrical structure consists of the units that represent one of the independent parts of speech in the position of correlative world. This position increases diactic role of noun, adjective or adverb and weakens their nominative significance.ukзайменниково-співвідносні реченняпериферійна зона займенниково-співвідносних речень несиметричної структурикорелятпрономіналізаціятранспозиціястаттяcomplex pronoun-correlated sentencenon-core functional area of pronoun-correlated sentencerelative wordcorrelative wordpronominalisationtranspositionОсобливості периферійної зони займенниково-співвідносних несиметричних реченьSpecific features of non-core peripheral area in pronoun-correlated asymmetrical sentencesArticle