Tkachuk, Maryna2015-04-092015-04-092013Tkachuk M. Dmytro Chyzhevsky and the Tradition of Ukrainian "Cordology" / Maryna Tkachuk // Journal of Ukrainian studies. - 2007. - Vol. 32, No. 2. - З. 1-20. decision to address this subject is prompted by two circumstances: on the one hand, the fact of the triumphant establishment in our philosophical (and not only philosophical) literature of the concept of "Ukrainian cordocentrism," whose sources go back to the work of Dmytro Chyzhevsky, and, on the other, the realization that perhaps the very first characteristic of philosophical thinking is a critical attitude toward stereotypes of all kinds and adherence to those elementary demands of rationality beyond whose bounds the work of the philosopher and, a fortiori, the historian of philosophy, loses its purpose.enDmytro ChyzhevskyphilosopherUkrainian cordocentrismphilosophy of the heartarticleDmytro Chyzhevsky and the tradition of Ukrainian “cordology”Article