Deky, Rosdiana2024-05-062024-05-062023Rosdiana D. Spyware in intelligence espionage operations as a threat to the state / Deky Rosdiana // Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal.. - 2022-2023. - No. 8-9. - P. 161-171. -Статтю присвячено дослідженню питання застосування програм для стеження у межах актів шпіонажу. Детально оцінюється їх вплив у різних сферах життя держави, описуються нетипові аспекти та надаються пропозиції щодо захисту від таких програм.The development of globalization has changed the pattern of war from conventional military power with trained soldiers and sophisticated weaponry to non-military state power through cultural, economic, political, and technological aspects. Warfare now dominantly utilizes technological sophistication or cyber warfare, posing a threat to national security, sovereignty, and resilience in the virtual world. This article uses a qualitative approach that refers to the meaning, concept, definition, characteristics, metaphor, symbol, and description of a qualitative study, conducted through examining various social arrangements and groups or individuals in a social setting. The data collection technique used here is only a literature review or a descriptive review of previous research sources and other secondary data. In terms of Cyber Espionage issues, updating the law can be a step towards providing a legal basis for law enforcement against Cyber Espionage perpetrators as a legal breakthrough to ensnare the perpetrators. Cyber intelligence's role as a "new" form in the governance of national intelligence can become clearer and avoid potential issues. Attention to these issues should be accompanied by solutions in preparing competent human resources, infrastructure, funds, and technology to make cyber intelligence an asset for national and state security.enSpywareIntelligence espionage operationsCyber attackMilitaryarticleпрограми для стеженняакти шпіонажузагрозазбройні силиSpyware in intelligence espionage operations as a threat to the stateПрограми для стеження в межах актів шпіонажу як загроза державіArticle