Підкуймуха, Людмила2018-11-022018-11-022018Підкуймуха Л. М. Мовна стійкість українців у першій половині ХХ століття (за матеріалами книги "Незвичайні долі звичайних жінок. Усна історія ХХ століття") / Людмила Підкуймуха // Наукові записки НаУКМА. Мовознавство. - 2018. - Т. 1. - С. 83-87.2616-8502https://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14596https://doi.org/10.18523/2616-8502.2018.83-87У статті розглянуто поняття мовної стійкості, здійснено аналіз мовної поведінки українців у першій половині ХХ століття. Окреслено історичні передумови та шляхи формування мовної особистості. Матеріалом дослідження слугували інтерв’ю жінок, що народилися наприкінці XIX - на початку ХХ століття.Background. Language stability is closely linked to the linguistic situation. It means that different languages interact in the particular state or regions at a certain point of the historical development. In sociolinguistic terms, the territory of Ukraine was far from being homogeneous in the first half of the 20th century. Therefore, it is very important to analyze language stability of Ukrainian people during this period. Despite there are papers that deal with language stability in modern Ukraine, there are just a few studies that describe this phenomenon in the historical perspective. Purpose. The main goal of this article is to describe language stability of Ukrainians in the first half of the twentieth century. Moreover, the purpose of this research is to analyze geographical and historical factors that have influenced people’s behavior and the language choice. Methods. To achieve this aims, mainly descriptive method has been used. Results. The results indicate that such factors as strong linguistic nationalism and attitude to language were instrumental in creating the sociolinguistic conditions which supported language stability. Individual and collective speech behavior was important for keeping the stability of the national language. Moreover, higher level of language stability was among people from the Western Ukraine and intelligentsia. For those people, the Ukrainian language was not only as a means of communication but also as a tool of resistance. Because of language stability, Ukrainians managed to oppose the process of linguistic and cultural assimilation in the first half of the twentieth century. Discussion. Thus, it is asked whether attitudes can play a direct role in stability or whether stability can be examined in much the same way as language change through categories such as age, gender, class and social networks. Then, by extension, the answers to these questions will be utilized to seek answers to questions relating to language planning and policy and how this can be carried out successfully.ukмовна стійкістьмовна стабільністьнаціональна належністьнаціональна свідомістьукраїнська мовамовна картина світустаттяlanguage stabilitylanguage firmnessUkrainian languagelinguistic world imageconsciousnessnational affiliationМовна стійкість українців у першій половині ХХ століття (за матеріалами книги "Незвичайні долі звичайних жінок. Усна історія ХХ століття")Language stability of Ukrainians in the first half of the 20th century (based on the book Unusual Fates of the Ordinary Women. The Oral History of the Twentieth Century)Article